Micro Loans
Are small loans to Micro and Small Entrepreneurs on individual basis to provide financial support for the expansion of small sustainable businesses.
The objective is to enable micro and small business owners to meet financial requirements for their business operations.
Loans offered to individuals with formal registered business with the following features;
- Loan amount range between TZS 1million to TZS 50 million
- Repayment is on Monthly repayment basis
- Maximum loan tenure is 24 months
- Applicant must have business license, TIN number and National ID
- Must have security to secure loan or guaranteed
- It provides fund for working capital and business expansion
- Easy to obtain the loans within our existing wide network of branches all over the country
- Loans can be utilized for any business purpose provided it is operated legally
- Competitive interest rates
- Low lending charges
- Availability of capacity building programmes to micro and small business owners on how to utilize their loans effectively and operates their businesses efficiently
- Appropriate repayment in line with the borrower’s repayment capacity